"The smallest feline is a masterpiece."
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Leonardo da Vinci
Domestic Short Hair-black and white : : Male : : Medium
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Ed needs a caretaker or foster! Won't you consider helping him get a new start?
About Ed | |
This is a Man's cat. He loves to sit next to a man and watch WWE Smack Down. He likes to play and nip your hand but his claws are always in. He enjoys a friendly petting, but he'd much rather play! He loves toys and pouncing on things -- including feet, hands, arms...pretty much anything under a blanket. He gets along great with other cats. He doesn't seem fond of dogs at first sight, but will tolerate their presence as long as the dog ignores him, and will even be so bold as to give a dog he knows well enough a friendly bat with his paw. He's perfect with his litter box manners, and keeps himself clean. He will hop up on the bed at night and lay next to you. He is a sweet and incredibly playful kitty, and would love a house with another cat, or lots of toys to chase and attack.
More about Ed
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids